The Welsh Government published a declaration of rights for older people in Wales. The declaration would have no binding legal effect, but set out aspirational rights as already underpinned by law.
Source: Declaration of Rights for Older People in Wales, Welsh Government
Links: Declaration | Welsh Government press release | Alzheimers Society press release | OPCW press release
Date: 2014-Jul
A report examined the barriers faced by lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people in accessing appropriate services for domestic abuse, stalking, harassment, and sexual violence in Wales. It outlined a range of barriers to appropriate support, related to individual circumstances, interpersonal issues (including fear of being inadvertently forced 'out' by the process), and the structure and culture of available services. The report made recommendations for improving access and inclusivity, staff development, monitoring, and further research.
Source: Shannon Harvey, Martin Mitchell, Jasmin Keeble, Carol McNaughton Nicholls, and Nilufer Rahim, Barriers Faced by Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender People in Accessing Domestic Abuse, Stalking, Harassment and Sexual Violence Services, Research Paper 48/2014, Welsh Government
Links: Report | Summary | 1000 Lives Plus press release
Date: 2014-Jun
The Welsh Government published a report that explored the response to hate crimes and incidents in Wales. The report said that future work would be guided by the three strategic objectives of: prevention; support for people harmed by hate crimes and incidents; and the improvement of the multi-agency response. A development plan was published at the same time.
Source: Tackling Hate Crimes and Incidents: A framework for action, Welsh Government
Links: Report | Development plan | Welsh Government press release
Date: 2014-May
A report examined diversity within local government in Wales, based on a survey of candidates from the 2012 local elections. The report made recommendations for the Welsh government, local authorities, the Welsh Local Government Association, political parties, and councillors, to help improve the numbers of young people, women, people from ethnic minorities, lesbian, gay or bisexual people, and people with disabilities standing for election to local government.
Source: On Balance: Diversifying democracy in local government in Wales, Expert Group on Diversity in Local Government
Links: Report | Welsh Government press release
Date: 2014-Mar
The equality and human rights watchdog said that almost no progress had been made in Wales in increasing the number of women in senior positions over the previous 10 years, and in some respects the position had worsened.
Source: Who Runs Wales? 2014, Equality and Human Rights Commission
Links: Report | EHRC press release | BBC report
Date: 2014-Mar